View Full Version : Cost of starting a Hoestead

09-04-2016, 10:50 PM

We had a dream to move to the country and live a more self-sufficient lifestyle for many years before it actually happened. We had to sacrifice our living conditions and alter our dream many times along the way. I do not want to discourage anyone from following their homesteading dreams, but I do want to write this post in a very open and honest manner so you know what to expect.

I know it is not socially acceptable to talk about how much things cost or how much we spend, but I do want to give an accurate look into the cost of setting up a homestead. If I am going against what is acceptable in your eyes, and you have no desire to know these things, please stop reading here.

What we have learned in the last few years is that whatever we purchase ends up paying for itself in the long run. We do not have large savings to go out and buy whatever we need, and we make our purchases slowly over time. Larger items are saved for or bought with overtime hour money. Smaller items are purchased paycheck-by-paycheck depending on what we can afford at the time. Any livestock feed is figured into our monthly budget, and we do not raise more animals then we can afford to take care at anyone time. The same goes for building our homestead; any improvements made are done piece-by-piece, one paycheck at a time.