View Full Version : Pickled corn anyone?? Fried corn anyone???

09-06-2016, 07:03 PM
Just finished making my very first attempt at pickled corn.

Only did 3 pints, . . . never really liked it as a kid, . . . figured I'd try it again now that I've grown up a bit.

We bought 9 ears, . . . shucked and cleaned em, . . . cut the kernals off the cob (don't scrape the cobs), . . . salt / water / vinegar.

Now I gotta wait 6 weeks to see if I still don't like it.

BUT, . . . man o man, . . . my wife scraped the cobs, . . . put it in a pan, . . . little salt / pepper / bacon grease, . . . fried it up right real good.

YUMMMM, . . . tongue still slapping them tonsils and hollering for more.

May God bless,