View Full Version : What to do with those extra garden peppers?

09-07-2016, 11:17 AM
OK, I know a lot of you out there didn't have a great garden. Mine was ok but not great but I put a lot of effort in it along with the kids that didn't want to help but did somewhat. So what do you do with your extra peppers? I have smoked and dehydrated jalapenos, made cowboy candy. Making poppers to freeze. Might make some jelly. I also pickle them and make a pickle veggie mix that for the life of me I cannot find the recipe. Anyone have some other ideas/recipes?

09-07-2016, 11:19 AM
OK, I know a lot of you out there didn't have a great garden. Mine was ok but not great but I put a lot of effort in it along with the kids that didn't want to help but did somewhat. So what do you do with your extra peppers? I have smoked and dehydrated jalapenos, made cowboy candy. Making poppers to freeze. Might make some jelly. I also pickle them and make a pickle veggie mix that for the life of me I cannot find the recipe. Anyone have some other ideas/recipes?

Yep I got one its a family favorite. Ill see if I can find it. We call it hot mix.

09-07-2016, 11:33 AM
Here it is. Easy to do makes crisp veggies. http://theoutdoortradingpost.com/showthread.php?5560-Grandma-s-no-process-alum-dill-pickles-and-same-brine-hot-mix&p=61237&viewfull=1#post61237