View Full Version : How to Make Civil War Fire Cakes | Survival Food

10-17-2016, 09:43 AM
In a survival situation, you have to make the best with what you’ve got.

Today I’ll take you back to the olden days and show you a Civil War recipe that needs only a couple of ingredients and limited resources.

I have to warn you, this isn’t a gourmet 5-star meal but in a crisis when food is scarce and you need to stretch your supplies to their limits,


10-17-2016, 10:38 AM
Why are they called Civil War fire cakes when the guy clearly has on a Revolutionary War uniform?

10-17-2016, 10:45 AM
Chronically challenged ?

10-17-2016, 11:35 AM
Why are they called Civil War fire cakes when the guy clearly has on a Revolutionary War uniform?
Maybe he was hit with a cannonball and he is now a retard or mentally challenged as they say today. I was looking at the recipe not his clothing.

10-17-2016, 11:48 AM
Why are they called Civil War fire cakes when the guy clearly has on a Revolutionary War uniform?

Maybe he is a Goddamn Limey? To them, our Revolution was a civil war. Which brings to question why he was wearing the blue rather than being dressed as a lobsterback. So the bastard is also a traitor!

10-17-2016, 12:03 PM
its about the Damn recipe not his freaking costume you critical MF'ers LMAO!


10-17-2016, 01:19 PM
fight. fight....

10-17-2016, 02:41 PM
its about the Damn recipe not his freaking costume you critical MF'ers LMAO!


I had to do it. God gave me no choice. :blow:

10-17-2016, 03:31 PM

I had to do it. God gave me no choice. :blow: Good eye beerman Lol!