View Full Version : Vote Swapping

10-27-2016, 12:16 PM
The two decided by what Munch called “a gentleman’s agreement” to swap their votes. Friday would vote for the Green Party candidate in Texas and Munch would check the box next to Clinton’s name in Colorado.


Stupid, and idiotic idea, but something occurred to me.

It is a 'gentlemen's agreement' not a binding contract or even anything similar. Could we get individuals to go on there, promise a vote for Clinton so that the other person votes 'third party' and vote for Trump anyway? It might not be ethical, but I think ethics are out of the window in this election.

10-27-2016, 01:16 PM
I don't think that swapping idea is very ethical. That's not what the founding fathers envisioned. So yeah, be as unethical as you want with this

Sent from a Galaxy S5 far far away.

10-27-2016, 01:26 PM
I don't think that swapping idea is very ethical. That's not what the founding fathers envisioned. So yeah, be as unethical as you want with this

I agree it is not, but if it is taking advantage of a Liberal/Clinton Supporter/Democrat it might be at least a little better. Not that I would actually vote for Clinton, but if they are dumb enough to believe me . . . that is their fault.

10-27-2016, 01:56 PM
Well as long as we're resorting to these types of tactics, don't forget to remind every libtard you meet to vote on November 9th.