View Full Version : SHTF scenarios

Lucky Jim
05-29-2014, 12:46 PM
1- Chernobyl-type nuclear plant accident, but on a much bigger scale, poisoning an area as big as the USA or the whole of Europe and Asia.
2- Massive meteor or asteroid strike wiping out millions with blast and tsunami, and kicking up enough dust to black out the sun for years and causing crop-killing temperature drops.
3- World War 3 exchange of nuclear weapons poisoning virtually the entire planet.
4- A plague wiping out most humans on earth after accidental release from a bio research lab, or a deliberate release by terrorists to wipe out the population of a specific country, or perhaps a virus naturally evolves that has no cure.
5- EC Event (Economic Collapse) triggering total breakdown of law and order resulting in looting gangs etc.
6- EM pulse (from a solar flare or nuclear bombs) blows out the electricity grid and electronics, it'll be bad but hopefully the govt will have contingency plans to get it fixed and relief food and medicine convoys up and running.
7- Mega-earthquake bigger than anything the earth has experienced before, demolishing a whole bunch of cities across countries or continents.
8- Mega-tsunami triggered by gigantic quake at sea, wiping out coastal areas for a hundred miles or more inland.
9- Runaway volcano that carries on spewing out dust and ash for months, throwing a grey wind-carried shroud around the planet blocking out sunlight and triggering subzero temperature drops.
10- Haywire weather (nonstop storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, blizzards, floods etc) caused by global warming, pollution, ozone depletion etc
11- City Lockdown by the Authorities where citizens are ordered to stay indoors for whatever reason such as a terrorist manhunt or whatever which could last days/weeks
12- Homeland Race War big armed gangs go around burning homes and killing anybody of a different race

05-29-2014, 03:45 PM
13. current POTUS no explanation needed

06-03-2014, 11:41 PM
14. natural resources run out (oil, gold, silver)

15. snowball earth (full scale ice age, linked to some events listed)

16. Yellowstone (low risk, but if it goes in full glory it will be hell on earth)

17. magnetic pole shift

18. global food shortage

19. local level natural disaster (cyclone, bush fire, flooding)

20 ZOMBIES (had to add it :D )

big paul
07-23-2014, 01:38 AM
if its 1,2,3, or 4 I think we're all screwed.

07-23-2014, 02:31 PM
13. current POTUS no explanation needed

Don't think I have ever hated someone as much as I hate that one and probably one of the more dangerous ones I have seen in my life time

07-23-2014, 04:39 PM
A catastrophic melt down of all the nuclear reactors in the US would not poison the entire nation. That kind of event is unlikely but still survivable unless you simply lived "next door" and refused to move.
A meteor up to a cubic mile could be very hard to survive but it would not be an "extinction" event. One that was five or six times that size would be an extinction event and anything bigger would be a planet killer.
World war type nuclear exchange would be easy to survive unless you were within 20 miles of a "ground zero".
The worst diseases in the world always leave survivors and being away from populated areas would increase your chance for survival.
An economic collapse might ruin countries but the people - at least most of them would adapt to use a barter system or some other way to survive.
An EMP event from the sun or a Nuclear high altitude burst would destroy a lot of the infrastructure but there would be a lot of survivors after those dependent died off.
Mega earthquake, tsunami, and volcanoes would place some people in very difficult situations and there would be massive casualties but there would also be a lot of survivors.
City lock-downs, race riots and weather are local events that would not affect more than a small percentage of the population.
Natural resources are going to run out but we already have technologies to make up for this scenario.
Snowball earth is an extinction event that has happened at least twice before. Life would continue - maybe not mankind but with technology even that could be possible.
Yellowstone will be a big problem for most of the northern hemisphere - but there will be survivors and the southern hemisphere will be untouched by it.
The only danger from a magnetic pole reversal is that if a large CME hit when the poles were weak it might damage the ozone in the upper atmosphere. Still survivable.
Wake up and smell the onions! There exists today a global food shortage. Just isn't affecting us as much as other countries.
There are always "local level" natural disasters. We deal with them as needed. Some take longer than others to recover from but we always have recovered.

When the zombies attack and you haven't the ammo or strength to fight them off any more then unplug the X-Box and take the afternoon off.

07-23-2014, 05:32 PM
Paul... Do you know everything? ?? I know that the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything is 42....

07-23-2014, 05:55 PM
Paul... Do you know everything? ?? I know that the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything is 42....
"So long, and thanks for all the fish."

07-24-2014, 07:25 PM
Where's my towel?

07-24-2014, 10:50 PM
I know where my towel is. I'm one froody d00d.

That said, Look into Fukushima. #1 is still ongoing...

07-24-2014, 10:52 PM
"Mostly harmless."

07-26-2014, 09:42 AM
I think a lo of those scenarios are possible if not down right likely; but you know the food shortage thing is really climbing the charts for me...

07-26-2014, 09:45 AM
Sorry all; previous post should read "a lot". Not quite awake yet :smashcomputer:

big paul
07-26-2014, 10:49 AM
food shortages should be first on any preppers list.

07-26-2014, 07:33 PM
food shortages should be first on any preppers list.

Food shortages are also a effect of 99% of scenarios that we think about (OK maybe 100% but... )

big paul
07-27-2014, 02:04 AM
food shortages were first on my list when I became a survivalist, I got an old wooden wine crate, drilled a couple of holes each end and fitted rope handles, I filled that box with as much varied tinned(canned) food as I could, I could then just throw that box into the back of the car at a moments notice.

07-27-2014, 08:28 AM
14. natural resources run out (oil, gold, silver)

15. snowball earth (full scale ice age, linked to some events listed)

16. Yellowstone (low risk, but if it goes in full glory it will be hell on earth)

17. magnetic pole shift

18. global food shortage

19. local level natural disaster (cyclone, bush fire, flooding)

20 ZOMBIES (had to add it :D )

Add clean drinkable water to your shortages list. I think eventually Nations will go to war for fresh water.