View Full Version : Hanging a new ax handle

12-01-2016, 06:52 PM
I got an old ax at a garage sale with a wore out handle. Not a whole lot of info out there for folks like me that never hung a new one. Found this video from wrangler star on YouTube, he's supposed to be expert on all things ax... Just ordered a new hickory handle from hickoryhandlestore.com and gonna try his method to get some new life outta this old ax. Here's the video


12-01-2016, 09:54 PM
No one ? Really ?

Well from a New-Yack Jooooooooooooo --

I did it twice & got good results --

Once the head is cleaned & sharp --

I heated it up with a hand held torch -- not to hot to screw up the temper but just enough to scorch the wood ---- floor pound it on like in the vid --- remove and very lightly sand back just enough the remove the burn marks --

Do this three or 4 times so the wood is shaped to the inside of the head -

As you re-heat and floor pound -- let the wood curl back under it for a tighter fit --

If your using a wooden wedge -- cut shallow "V" groves in it so the glue ( epoxy better ) can seep out - so no hydraulic pushing out of the wedge as it drys ---- then with the cut you per-made at a right angle to the wedge slot ( 1/2 the depth of the metal wedge ) -- after trimming the dried wedge flush -- pound in the metal wedge --- wood wedge holds it left to right -- metal wedge front to back --

And keep an eye on it for the first few uses --

Pics ?

12-01-2016, 10:00 PM