View Full Version : The Meaning Of Normandy

rice paddy daddy
06-06-2014, 09:57 AM
In this month's American Legion Magazine is the story of what D-Day means to a small, obscure, village in Normandy.
I have read it multiple times, I find it very powerful writing. Please take a moment to read it on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of D-Day. I think you will find it worth your time.


And also on this day, please remember the riflemen of the 1st Battalion, 116th Infantry Regiment who were the first men ashore in the first wave at the killing ground that was Omaha Beach.

"I never talked about D-Day until 1988 when I went to that American cemetery. I leaned over my Lieutenant's grave and looked up at my wife with tears in my eyes and said, 'Nobody will ever know who they were and what they did.'
"So when I speak I mention each guy by name and where he came from."
Harold Baumgarten, 1/116 Infantry, wounded 5 times on D-Day

06-07-2014, 01:42 AM
In response to that whore's abortion of a speech Obama gave today, I offer this. Notice no teleprompters.
