View Full Version : This is indeed a scary set of thoughts

02-06-2017, 11:44 AM
http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2017/02/the_united_states_cannot_survive_as_presently_cons tituted.html

If you follow his logic to it's conclusion, it is only going to get worse until as another has posted a new civil war breaks out. :ughh::wall::bongodrums:

02-06-2017, 11:48 AM
Yup. I believe that Obama opened the eyes for many people, and many of his 'followers' accepted the rhetoric without thinking.

he caused a change, just maybe no the one he would have desired.

02-06-2017, 12:20 PM
On a basic level I believe the writer is correct but there are too many other variables. There are people on the left that don't approve of the riots/protests and that, may not like, but accept Trump as President. Not saying a new Civil War isn't possible but we have at least 4 years to see what shakes out.

02-06-2017, 12:30 PM
On a basic level I believe the writer is correct but there are too many other variables. There are people on the left that don't approve of the riots/protests and that, may not like, but accept Trump as President.
Some, maybe, but overall the most I have interacted with in "The Real World!" are at the very leas dismissive of the violence.

Generally claiming it is nothing to worry about, or that the Right did this under Obama (though cannot actually provide examples). The accept this violence, which is just as dangerous as it empowers the groups that commit these acts.

Not saying a new Civil War isn't possible but we have at least 4 years to see what shakes out.
You are going to see more and more riots as Trump continues to do his job, as the weather gets better across the country and the heathens have their summer breaks from school.

02-06-2017, 02:52 PM
Some, maybe, but overall the most I have interacted with in "The Real World!" are at the very least dismissive of the violence.

Generally claiming it is nothing to worry about, or that the Right did this under Obama (though cannot actually provide examples). The accept this violence, which is just as dangerous as it empowers the groups that commit these acts.

You are going to see more and more riots as Trump continues to do his job, as the weather gets better across the country and the heathens have their summer breaks from school.

This is a good way to phrase the situation. And it is both scary and dangerous.

02-08-2017, 08:13 AM
The problem with vocal, . . . in your face, . . . up close and personal, . . . demonstrations / riots: eventually there will come someone who whether right, . . . wrong, . . . intentional, . . . by accident, . . . but HOWEVER, . . . will become the causative action that becomes a Fort Sumpter or a Kent State.

I said a long time ago, . . . had I been in that guard unit that day, . . . there would have been a bunch more dead. I do not know what caused the firing to happen, . . . but once it starts, . . . "firing over their heads" is not an option, . . . and the dead will seriously litter the streets.

I was actually surprised that only 4 were killed. One of the news reporters originally said that 2 guardsmen were also killed, . . . which REALLY had some folks ready to grab the gear and the ammo, . . . give the rioters something to sit around and really cry about.

Personally, . . . if New York, NJ, and all of New England want their own way, . . . let em go, . . . them and the Left coast can have a divided country, . . . the rest of us in the heartland can rejoice that they are gone.

And if the libtards and race baiters in Cook County want to go, . . . fine, . . . we don't need that swamp anyway.

May God bless,

02-10-2017, 07:30 AM
Makes me think of this tune


02-10-2017, 11:17 AM
The problem with vocal, . . . in your face, . . . up close and personal, . . . demonstrations / riots: eventually there will come someone who whether right, . . . wrong, . . . intentional, . . . by accident, . . . but HOWEVER, . . . will become the causative action that becomes a Fort Sumpter or a Kent State.

I said a long time ago, . . . had I been in that guard unit that day, . . . there would have been a bunch more dead. I do not know what caused the firing to happen, . . . but once it starts, . . . "firing over their heads" is not an option, . . . and the dead will seriously litter the streets.

I was actually surprised that only 4 were killed. One of the news reporters originally said that 2 guardsmen were also killed, . . . which REALLY had some folks ready to grab the gear and the ammo, . . . give the rioters something to sit around and really cry about.

Personally, . . . if New York, NJ, and all of New England want their own way, . . . let em go, . . . them and the Left coast can have a divided country, . . . the rest of us in the heartland can rejoice that they are gone.

And if the libtards and race baiters in Cook County want to go, . . . fine, . . . we don't need that swamp anyway.

May God bless,
you forgot California .

trump has shown he doing good and the first 2 years we can have the job market at its peak welfare at its lowest and unicorn farting rainbows
but the dumbasses all they see if how he is evil and a racist bigot and will still protest and riot

shoot they found how many of the popular vote that Hillary was post to have was way off, they recounted and this time taken the people who had more then 1 vote and the amount of dead people who some how keep voted after years of being dead, and they found what? he won both

I think we will have trump for o0nly 4 years because the left will lose more power to the sheep who will wake up when someone tells them hard facts and then they get a good job and see that they have this job because of trump.

this is only if some nut job don't take a sniper shot at him first.

02-10-2017, 11:28 AM
this is only if some nut job don't take a sniper shot at him first.

If the Secret Service could protect someone who berated and mistreated them, they can protect someone whom actually respects them.

02-10-2017, 12:27 PM
If the Secret Service could protect someone who berated and mistreated them, they can protect someone whom actually respects them.
the one bitch said she wont take a bullet for him and she still has a job?
they cant watch all corners and every window
if a people do try to take him out I think it would be with a huge mob of people to over run the security, that's the only way I can see it really being done
don't forget they have huge amount of people yelling and crying where ever he goes

02-10-2017, 12:33 PM
the one bitch said she wont take a bullet for him and she still has a job?
I think she was actually fired, or is in the process of being.

they cant watch all corners and every window
I'm not getting into too many specifics, but they are VERY good at this.

if a people do try to take him out I think it would be with a huge mob of people to over run the security, that's the only way I can see it really being done
don't forget they have huge amount of people yelling and crying where ever he goes
Most of those events they have already pre-screened the people (they did that at the inauguration) and have plans to get the President out if that happens.

Could it happen? Yes.
Is it likely? No.

02-10-2017, 12:50 PM
true I can agree. I do still think if they try to take a hit at trump it would be at a huge protest where they have 50 to 1 law enforcement and that can be organized by pop or movie stars to get one started, after that 1 or a few people will use that time to try to harm him or others.
if you hurt other people that might make him force to step down as POTUS.
I best to stop before some asshole gets a idea

Mister Mills
02-10-2017, 01:33 PM
It is headed that way, and I figure that there will be major riots, probably within 2 years. I don't see how it can be avoided, America is a house divided.

02-10-2017, 01:40 PM
It is headed that way, and I figure that there will be major riots, probably within 2 years. I don't see how it can be avoided, America is a house divided.

Sure, I know one way it can be avoided:

The Non-Left capitulates and submits to every single asinine and shortsighted program the Left has or wants.

Mister Mills
02-10-2017, 01:45 PM
Sure, I know one way it can be avoided:

The Non-Left capitulates and submits to every single asinine and shortsighted program the Left has or wants.
I don't see them doing that, it seems to have dawned on a bunch of Republicans/Conservatives, that their hides are at risk. If the Conservatives do not see the danger that is here and now, then they are fools.
If they go back to sleep and do nothing (as usual), the Hell will show up at their doorstep, just like it did in Communist Russia.
That is how serious things are now.

02-10-2017, 02:07 PM
I don't see them doing that, it seems to have dawned on a bunch of Republicans/Conservatives, that their hides are at risk. If the Conservatives do not see the danger that is here and now, then they are fools.
If they go back to sleep and do nothing (as usual), the Hell will show up at their doorstep, just like it did in Communist Russia.
That is how serious things are now.
I do not either, and I did not mean just Politicians, but the Citizenry as a whole.

Mister Mills
02-10-2017, 02:14 PM
I do not either, and I did not mean just Politicians, but the Citizenry as a whole.
If we back down, then we are doomed, and I mean the Citizenry as a whole. And the Citizens better realize that, because, it can go down like it did in Russia.
They will show up at your doorstep and execute you, on the spot. There are plenty of Citizens who do not believe that, but it can happen.
And, I for one realize that, and we are in perilous times. I don't want to be dramatic, but I do see the Left for what they are: animals and atheists, who are capable of mass murder.

02-10-2017, 02:16 PM
If we back down, then we are doomed, and I mean the Citizenry as a whole. And the Citizens better realize that, because, it can go down like it did in Russia.
They will show up at your doorstep and execute you, on the spot. There are plenty of Citizens who do not believe that, but it can happen.
And, I for one realize that, and we are in perilous times. I don't want to be dramatic, but I do see the Left for what they are: animals and atheists, who are capable of mass murder.

I think you misunderstood.

I was not bringing that up as a reasonable response to this craziness, but as an example of how far this craziness has actually gone.

The Left has finally reached the point, I believe, where they want EVERYTHING. They were so close with the last President, they ramped up their actions into a higher gear. Now that they have seen what they could have accomplished, they are not willing to back down in the same way any longer.

Mister Mills
02-10-2017, 02:28 PM
I think you misunderstood.

I was not bringing that up as a reasonable response to this craziness, but as an example of how far this craziness has actually gone.

The Left has finally reached the point, I believe, where they want EVERYTHING. They were so close with the last President, they ramped up their actions into a higher gear. Now that they have seen what they could have accomplished, they are not willing to back down in the same way any longer.

I think that we agree, and I may be over-stating things. But here it is my thinking: conservatives have been facing packs of bullies, and we have been for 40 or 50 or 60 years.
And Conservatives have backed down consistently, and it is now time to stand and fight. I can remember the Democrat Party of JFK, and it is not the same as what we have now.
It has morphed into a wolf in sheep's clothing, and it happened one decade at a time: and conservatives sat there and watched, and did not respond.

Now, America is divided, and it is worse than in the days of Vietnam. If Conservative America does not stand and fight, the nation is lost; and it will become Socialist.

Those are the stakes as I see them; and I am calling the Democrat Party, a pack of militant Socialists.

02-10-2017, 02:39 PM
Those are the stakes as I see them; and I am calling the Democrat Party, a pack of militant Socialists.

Yeah, I do as well.


02-10-2017, 03:14 PM
Sure, I know one way it can be avoided:

The Non-Left capitulates and submits to every single asinine and shortsighted program the Left has or wants.

That is not going to happen. Screw the fascist left.

02-10-2017, 07:59 PM
My real fear is that there ACTUALLY ARE folks out there willing to take a needle in the arm or a bullet in the head, . . . just so they can be the one who "Put down that fascist dog".

There are in my estimation at least several who are already thinking about it, . . . and if they ever put enough serious personal effort together with enough serious money for equipment, . . . then it will just be a matter of finding the "right" moment.

JFK's moment came in Dallas, . . . Lincoln's in the Ford theater, . . .

I seriously hope and pray it does not happen, . . . but I really do not see Pence picking up the fallen flag if it happens.

Page 2 of my fears is that the EBT crowd will finally get together, . . . roust them out of the sack, . . . and next election time, . . . every low life bum that is too lazy to work and too nervous to steal will be out there beating the bushes against the GOP.

May God bless,

02-11-2017, 02:06 PM
I think that we agree, and I may be over-stating things. But here it is my thinking: conservatives have been facing packs of bullies, and we have been for 40 or 50 or 60 years.
And Conservatives have backed down consistently, and it is now time to stand and fight. I can remember the Democrat Party of JFK, and it is not the same as what we have now.
It has morphed into a wolf in sheep's clothing, and it happened one decade at a time: and conservatives sat there and watched, and did not respond.

Now, America is divided, and it is worse than in the days of Vietnam. If Conservative America does not stand and fight, the nation is lost; and it will become Socialist.

Those are the stakes as I see them; and I am calling the Democrat Party, a pack of militant Socialists.

It will not just become socialist. It will become a socialist dictatorship. Fixed it for you.

Prepared One
02-16-2017, 06:08 AM
Excellent article and I fear, not far off point.

Now that Trump is in office and the Left no longer controls Leviathan, they are in a panic – and in the streets.

Could it not be argued that the left, in fact, are still in control of the Leviathan? I would keep my eyes open and be prepared. The storm approaches.

Mister Mills
02-19-2017, 03:45 PM
It will not just become socialist. It will become a socialist dictatorship. Fixed it for you.
I stand corrected. But aren't all Socialist states a dictatorship? Some are soft and some are hard, but they are all dictatorships.