View Full Version : Germinating Seeds A New Way-Paper Towel And Baggie Method

03-23-2017, 03:30 PM
For those of you with small gardens and would rather start your own seeds than buy the starter plants at the store. I've got something interesting for you. I try to grow my own seeds and try to avoid GMO's wherever possible and I like organic or I should say my body does.

Anyway I came across this gentleman a few days ago and thought I would give his method a try. I started with 25 Yellow Spanish onion seeds, I had a 100 of them but didn't want to ruin all of them if it didn't work.

3 days later and all 25 sprouted. Wohoo! I potted them today. I would post pics but I get an error message every time saying I don't have a security thingamajob. Can't remember the exact word but i'm trying to fix it, no luck yet.

Anyway, some of you may know about this already but this is for those who don't.


03-23-2017, 03:47 PM
Very cool and thanks for the post. But that method is anything but new. We did that in grade school.

Sent from a Galaxy S5 far far away.

03-23-2017, 04:23 PM
Very cool and thanks for the post. But that method is anything but new. We did that in grade school.

Sent from a Galaxy S5 far far away.

Like I said in my post it may be new to some and some not. It was new to me and I thought those who hadn't ever seen it would like it.

And you're welcome..

03-23-2017, 05:05 PM
This guy I knew back in the 70's that used to sprout his medicinal plant seeds that way. Thanks for the memories.

Good way to start tomatoes and cukes. Radish and onion I direct sew.

03-23-2017, 05:13 PM
I used "Saran" wrap, since that was the only brand then
Now I just direct sow, no worries about hardening then.

03-23-2017, 10:23 PM
We have 35 acres, but I have no space inside to set up trays of seedlings in front of a window. We could build a greenhouse, but never have.
You gave me an idea with this. After starting seeds as you described, I could suspend a shelf from the ceiling in front of a window, to transplant the sprouted seedlings into trays.