View Full Version : Escape routes
07-20-2014, 12:19 PM
Do you plan to bug out if necessary? If it is Plan A, B, or C, how many different routes do you have?
big paul
07-20-2014, 01:39 PM
all points of the case one (or more) is compromised.
If all works as planned during the apocalypse we will just gather our group together here and hunker in place. Given that planning and SHTF is kind of an oxymoron, I our first BOL is to head SW about 100 miles to a good friend's place. Our second is due east about 100 miles. We have some other plans as well but if it gets bad enough to employ those, I expect most planning will have gone out the window and we will be mostly shooting from the hip.
07-20-2014, 04:41 PM
Initially just gonna lay low at home we are pretty rural and self sufficient
07-20-2014, 06:36 PM
Plan A = bug in. Can last a guaranteed month at the minimum if we eat at usual levels. 3 months if we ration everything.
Plan B = bug out. My bug out spot is around 30 miles from where I am. There I can hunt, fish, forage, trap etc all the food we need for my family. Including vegetables, fruit and meat.
Plan C = boat. Beauty of being on an island is the abundance of fish and water nearby. I have a family who has a moored boat. It's big enough to house 16 people comfortably. Can be operated by motor or sail. Has resources to catch, clean and cook fish, crab, lobster and anything bigger upto a shark. Also a great thing about the UK and Ireland is that we have no poisonous species of seaweed so they can be harvested for vitamins and minerals also.
This is how I roll.
07-20-2014, 09:44 PM
How many other boats are in the UK?
Those waters are going to get crowded until the first good (bad) storm comes along.
07-20-2014, 10:01 PM
hopefully nephilim has access to a 12 gage and close in weapons
but water is a good plan C, no matter where you are, problem is will the boat still be there when its time to use that option
to escape routes, its all about situational awareness... and going for a few walks with your eyes open..
a example there is 3 main ways by car to get to my house from the local shopping centre/pub but on foot there is almost a dozen not counting going through back yards, bush land and nature paths... I don't know them all but have a good idea how to get home drunk using each option :D
to the shtf plans
a stay put
b about 300km south is a good bol environment that ticks boxes
c if I had a large sail boat that will be a :) (there is so much good going for it here if you know what your doing, fish stocks are quite high, lots of island communities that will most likely die)
07-20-2014, 10:08 PM
Our BOL is about three miles away (wife's family has 43 acres). That is plan A, B and C. If we have to leave there, we are in deep trouble.
07-21-2014, 11:14 AM
The boat we will be using is in storage under a keycode lock to which only I have the code for. The family member that the name is under is my brother but that's only because it's in his locality.
As for a 12 do have lots of arrows and a bow which I am reasonably good with.
Just Sayin'
07-21-2014, 05:07 PM
We'll bug in until it's time to bug out. We have a general meeting area with our daughter at college, if she can't get home. From there, it's pretty flexible. We have lots of room to find a secure location while things are settling down.
07-21-2014, 08:47 PM
With defending boats, the way I understand it, it will be a game of tight quarters combat
07-23-2014, 11:00 AM
Not knocking anyone at all, but the ones who have a plan on a bug out that is quite a ways away, how will you get there when we are in a shtf situation? I have looked at long distance bug out myself, and keep coming to that question. Of course none of us know what it will really be like. Just depends on the situations. But like any good prepper, I can't help but try to think of all the possibilities.
07-23-2014, 11:10 AM
Mine can be walked in 3 days. I've done it by myself in a little over 20 hours. If needed, I could rig up a small carriage which I can drag along or push along. We also know someone who has horses and would be willing to trade in the SHTF situation (a young shire working horse for half oz of gold and half oz of silver).
big paul
07-23-2014, 11:48 AM
We also know someone who has horses and would be willing to trade in the SHTF situation (a young shire working horse for half oz of gold and half oz of silver).
post SHTF a shire horse will be worth its weight in gold....literally!! mind you thats a big animal to control and feed, and we don't see many of them about these days. I'm going for something smaller like a donkey,( or a mule but haven't seen many of these in the UK) I have even seen 2 Shetland ponies pulling a light cart without any problem.
07-23-2014, 08:27 PM
Not knocking anyone at all, but the ones who have a plan on a bug out that is quite a ways away, how will you get there when we are in a shtf situation? I have looked at long distance bug out myself, and keep coming to that question. Of course none of us know what it will really be like. Just depends on the situations. But like any good prepper, I can't help but try to think of all the possibilities.
This is a good point, but bugging out it one part luck 3 parts timing :p
Even while sh.t is going down there is always a delay from the major cities, to the suburbs then the country/rural... Unless its zombies.... ;)
07-23-2014, 09:30 PM
In my opinion, you're most vulnerable at sea. All the way around. Get chased by a boat that's faster by 1/10th of a knot, they'll catch you. Only a matter of time and who has more fuel. There's nowhere to hide once you've been seen unless you're lucky enough to sail into a fog bank or duck around a land feature, if there's land. Unless it's a steel hulled boat, bullets will rip right through it. They sink. If it breaks down, where you gonna' walk to? You just sit out there bobbin' around like a duck on a pond. Catch on fire? You're most likely fish food. Get boarded, where you gonna' hide? Pirates, reefs, rocks, sand bars, big waves, high winds, whales, thanks.
I would use a boat as a last resort and that would be strictly for getting from point A, to Point B and that's it. Then I'd scuttle that bitch.
Other than that, I love boats. I really do. Not for survival though.
07-23-2014, 09:37 PM
For me...Bug in. I'll make it home in the war wagon and here I'll stay. I think people will eventually start realizing that maintaining 2 properties (a perm residence and a bug out residence) will become too much work and/or too expensive to keep up. At least IMO. Not to mention about the process of getting to the location. Could be a lot of risk involved in just bugging out with family, elderly, etc. I thought about bugging out, but then I realized how crappy of a feeling it is to be away from my preps...and risking losing them in the move.
In short form...bugging in is for me.
07-23-2014, 09:37 PM
Steal boats have a issue to, mines left from ww2 there are still heaps out there ;)
You have a point on speed but you don't go around sinking boats that have supplies, on that note tho many points to ponder
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