View Full Version : The Only Plant That Should Be in Your First Aid Kit

04-27-2017, 11:15 AM
Mullein, formally known as verbascum thapsus, is often times called velvet plant or elephant’s ear due to the hairy leaves that are, rather than being prickly as are most fuzzy looking plants, quite soft and supple.

This herb can be found abundantly in most environments, even where no one intended it to grow, and like many plants that people call weeds, it has many uses in everyday life and particularly in survival situations. In taking a look back at how our forefathers used mullein, we can get a good idea of how it could help us if the world as we know it comes to an end.

Practical Uses

The soft fuzzy nature of mullein gives its leaves plenty of practical applications, both historically and in survival situations. The rest of the plant could potentially play a role in a SHTF situation,
