View Full Version : ISIS Magazine Tells Muslims To Lure and Kill Unsuspecting People With False Advertise

05-09-2017, 08:32 AM

Without a doubt, ISIS has changed the terrorism game. They’ve leveraged technology to initiate attacks in places that they cannot physically reach. In the past, a terrorist organization in the Middle East would have to recruit, indoctrinate, and train members in the their locale, and then try to sneak them into whatever country they wished to target.

Now with social media and the internet, they can provide propaganda and training materials to millions of people who are already living in Western nations, and convince at least some of them to conduct attacks on their behalf. This way is much safer, easier, and more efficient for terrorist organizations.

And it’s opened the door to a wide variety of terrorist attacks that no one would have considered 20 years ago. Where once terrorist organizations were focused on grand gestures, like hijacking airplanes and blowing up buildings, now they can simply brainwash some dupe over the internet, and he’ll go out and shoot up a nightclub. But that’s just the beginning. The kinds of attacks that these people are pushing now look a lot less like 9/11, and more like the behaviour of a serial killer.

For instance, http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/isis-magazine-tells-muslims-to-lure-and-kill-unsuspecting-people-with-false-advertisements-for-jobs-and-apartments_05082017

Mister Mills
05-21-2017, 02:51 PM
I would love to line one of those knife toting devils up, with a 12 gauge, and cut him in half. Punks.

05-21-2017, 09:41 PM
I think they're overthinking things. If they convince some fanatic here to kill innocents for Allah they can just walk out their door and start shooting. Or drive their van through a crowd or whatever. You really don't need to place ads for people to come to you unless you're really fat and in a wheelchair or something.

05-22-2017, 06:57 AM
I think they're overthinking things. If they convince some fanatic here to kill innocents for Allah they can just walk out their door and start shooting. Or drive their van through a crowd or whatever. You really don't need to place ads for people to come to you unless you're really fat and in a wheelchair or something.

And while your logic line is totally correct, . . . I think the OP is bringing out the point that there are other ways to wage jihad and the ISIS idiots are trying to suggest some of those other ways in order to possibly attract new jihadists into the cause.

I can definitely see a guy not wanting to blow himself up with a suicide vest, . . . or not want to drive into a crowd, . . . but who would be up to garroting unsuspecting teens coming to check out an apartment, . . . a car, . . . a truck, . . . an X-box, . . . etc.

It could easily attract some pedophiles, . . . some gay bashers, . . . some dudes who have a thing about wanting to kill women.

Renting two side by side storage areas, . . . in an assumed name, . . . he could kill in one, . . . store the bodies in the other, . . . and if it was winter, . . . probably be able to do is dastardly deeds for several days as the bodies would freeze and not decompose.

Scary, . . .

May God bless,