View Full Version : Michigan Legislature votes to legalize switchblades

Big Ken
06-21-2017, 02:02 PM
Lansing – Michigan’s Republican-controlled House on Tuesday unexpectedly voted to legalize switchblade knives for Michigan residents.

The legislation is now on its way to Gov. Rick Snyder and would scrap a longstanding ban on knives that use springs to open after the Senate OK’d the plan in April saying that the danger of such knives was overblown.

House lawmakers voted for the legislation 106-1, with Rep. Rose Mary Robinson, D-Detroit, the sole dissenter. There was no debate.

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06-21-2017, 04:03 PM
Meatchickens knife laws are insane. I'll be suprised if tricky Dick signs it.

06-21-2017, 04:16 PM

Big Ken
07-13-2017, 09:25 PM
Snyder signs the knife bill, takes effect in 90 days.


07-14-2017, 05:15 AM
Snyder signs the knife bill, takes effect in 90 days.


I would have never belived he would sign that.

07-14-2017, 08:41 AM
That ought to make quite a few folks that are here from Mexico pretty happy. Next...open carry for Machetes to please the Muslimes. I myself, never saw the fascination with a switchblade. But, they shouldn't be illegal.

07-14-2017, 10:04 AM
I guess that my "assisted" knife I have been carrying for years in my right front pocket of my levis is going to be legal...................phewwww.:rolleyes:

How about a sheath knife?...guess I will read it at MGO.

08-02-2017, 11:37 PM
I guess that my "assisted" knife I have been carrying for years in my right front pocket of my levis is going to be legal...................phewwww.:rolleyes:

How about a sheath knife?...guess I will read it at MGO.

The Gov't issued me mine on my first deployment, when running convoy's they said you needed a blade you could open one handed in case you got rolled and only had one hand free t get out of the belts. I also learned as long as you are Military, LE, or a first responder you were allowed to have a switch blade even under the old laws. That included Retired Military who being retarded still have ID to prove they are retarded.

08-03-2017, 05:21 PM
Knife, what knife?