View Full Version : Vet Doctor Shows You How To Use Veterinary Drugs Post-SHTF

06-26-2017, 08:38 AM
In light of recent events with the increasingly turbulent world politics, more and more people are concerned about a large-scale catastrophe or cataclysmic natural disaster. Should such an event occur, it’s essential to be prepared and suitably equipped for all eventualities to be able to provide for our families and their health. Most pain medications, basic first aid and general self-care supplies can be purchased over the counter from drug stores. Stockpiling food, water, and household supplies is relatively easy, however procuring prescription medications including antibiotics is not such a cut-and-dried situation.

Antibiotic compounds treat specific bacterial infections regardless of the species infected, i.e. be it human, canine, bovine or otherwise. The reason doctors and veterinarians use different antibiotics in different species are because some of these medications cause adverse side effects or even toxicity in some species due to interference with various organs as well as the bacteria causing the primary illness. Equally, some antibiotics work well in a range of species though the dose may be different; one such example is doxycycline.

Throughout the developing world, http://www.askaprepper.com/use-veterinary-drugs-humans-post-shtfthis-can-use-veterinary-drugs-post-shtf/

07-05-2017, 12:41 PM
Veterinarians will be in as high a demand as doctors if the SHTF.