Attachment 31018
Vic and I training in Florida, still trying to keep it together around 54 years old... a losing battle LOL.
Attachment 34454
Must be in the genes, did tons of physical work, never got big muscles, but, could kick any farmer boy's ass. No brag, just fact, and they knew it.
Genes help LOL. I didn't possess many useful ones though. I did tons of physical work, and tried lifting weights too... I couldn't put on an ounce. I weighed 145 pounds at 27 years of age when I met this guy Vic spotting me in the pic, who became (and still is) my best friend. He was competing for the world record in the bench press at the time... so I had the very very best expert trainer ever for free. And because he never used steroids or similar gear, I never did either. He's an absolute lunatic, so we fell right in LOL. I think I was around 210 in the pic, still lean too. That went to shit of course over the following decade... despite my efforts to thwart it. Now I look more like Shrek.
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