Well, gals and guys, . . . I bit the bullet and bought my thermal scope.
No, . . . I would not trade it for any NV device out there that I have had the privilege to see / investigate / use.
It's a Pulsar, Apex, XQ50, . . . and for all tense and purposes, is the replacement for their XD 75, . . . at a price below their old XD 38.
I took it out last night, . . . down to the reservoir, . . . because I knew I could get some long shots there.
I could see 2 white lights across the water, about 1/3 of a mile away with the naked eye, . . . scope showed me 3 men fishing in a pram.
With the naked eye, . . . could not see anything on another bank, . . . same distance, . . . with the scope, . . . watched a guy fly fishing at 9:00 PM.
Later went up to the soy bean fields nearby, . . . deer all over the place, . . . easily seen, . . . one was according to Google, . . . 8/10 of a mile away. No I could not count his points by any means, . . . but it was a white tail deer, detectable at that distance.
All in all I am absolutely thrilled with my new "toy", . . . saving coins for a DV recorder for it, . . . will post when I get it.
Just wanted to share the joy.
May God bless,