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Thread: How To Identify Animals By Their Tracks (With Pictures)

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    How To Identify Animals By Their Tracks (With Pictures)

    Refresher course-

    Hunters and gatherers used to study animal prints to find survival food.

    You may not need to do that anymore but might want to know about it and would possibly enjoy identifying the tracks of critters scampering or sneaking through your backyard.

    We start by giving you ways to recognize the common gray squirrel, chipmunk, rabbit, raccoon, striped skunk,
    "The clever cat eats cheese and breathes down rat holes with baited breath." W. C. Fields

  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to hawgrider For This Useful Post:

    Innkeeper (03-29-2021),shootbrownelk (03-29-2021),Sparkyprep (03-29-2021)

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