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Thread: Forum Rules

  1. #1
    ədˈminəˌstrātər RWalls's Avatar
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    Forum Rules

    The rules for this site:

    Legal jargon: By using this site you agree to remain solely responsible for the content of your posts and profile. Furthermore, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the owners of this forum, any related websites to this forum, its staff, and its subsidiaries. The owner of this forum also reserves the right to reveal your identity (or any other related information collected on this service) in the event of a legal action or formal complaint arising from any situation caused by your use of this forum. Rules and terms of use may change at anytime - it is the members responsibility to read the rules and stay updated on any changes.

    1. Foul and vulgar language should be avoided when possible. We understand discussions get heated sometimes and tempers flare but please remember we have members here of all kinds of religious faiths, ethnic backgrounds, and a lot of minors as well. This is a family oriented forum Keep your language family oriented *this excludes the potty mouth section of the forum*. This includes posting pictures with inappropriate language or links to videos and other websites. DO NOT go to the POTTY MOUTH section if you are easily offended.

    Just type every word spelled correctly, the language filter will change banned words to ****. Typing "F**K" is considered bypassing the language filter, don't do it, just type it the way it should be. If the words are not picked up by the filter then they are ok to use but remember, this is a family forum.

    2. Do not flame other members. Flaming or bashing is hostile and/or insulting other members. It is usually the result of the discussion of heated real-world issues like politics or religion. Trolls frequently set out to incite these flaming wars for the sole purpose of offending or irritating other members. Flaming is not allowed and trolling is not allowed in the regular sections. *TROLLING AND BASHING ARE ALLOWED IN THE POTTY MOUTH SECTION OF THIS FORUM* DO NOT DISH IT OUT IF YOU CANNOT TAKE IT!

    3. Do not act like a child. This means don’t throw temper tantrums, or act unruly just because something is not going your way. Most of us are adults here and we expect everyone to conduct himself or herself accordingly (if you are a child it is ok to act your age).

    4. Do not mass delete. When violating rule number three (3), please DO NOT, in a fit of rage, mass delete previous posts and threads, lock threads, ask a mod or admin to do this for you. Also please do not ask to have your account deleted.

    5. Arguing with or attacking a moderator will get your account suspended. If a moderator tells you to stop doing something or questions you about a statement you made it is okay to explain your side of things to them. It is not okay to keep trying to change their mind or make them see things your way. You can state your case one time, after that you need move on. Arguing with a moderator in a discussion is fine if you share a different point of view. Arguing with RWalls the admin is a bad idea because he knows everything and you are wrong and RWalls is right, obviously.

    6. Do NOT discuss illegal conversions to make firearms full auto. Those topics will be locked, edited or deleted and you may be banned from this forum. Legal conversions are ok to discuss.

    7. Do NOT post links to any adult, gambling or porn sites. Do not post porn pictures or videos, this includes, but is not limited to, anything from hardcore sex to pictures of half dressed men or women. This also includes posting sex toys or links to sexually suggestive content.

    8. Do NOT discuss making illegal explosives in open forums. Not now, not ever, in any way shape or form. We have kids that read this forum and we don’t want any of them blowing themselves up (or the adults either). Plus it could get the forum, and you, in a lot of legal trouble so just don’t do it. Anyone caught discussing making explosives will be banned from the forum. PM and VIP discussions are OK for hypothetical situations, such as WROL.

    9. Racial slurs will now be tolerated if they are funny, if they are lame they may be deleted. Respect our member’s rights to have their religious beliefs and their race. Making fun of muslim terrorists is perfectly acceptable and is not considered religion bashing.

    10. Sexist statements will not be tolerated, not even in the POTTY MOUTH SECTION. We have several women members and we believe they all deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. If you have something to say consider this, would you want someone saying it to your mother?

    11. Moderators have the right to edit a post at any time for any reason. This includes grammar corrections to make the post easier to read. It also includes editing post for improper content and any other reason. We may also delete your post or the entire thread or move the thread to a different section at any time without warning for any reason we see fit.

    12. Each person that visits this site is allowed to have one (1) account. Having more than one account requires permission from a member of the moderators group. Members that have more then one account will have their accounts removed. If your spouse, roommate, sibling etc. want to be members we welcome them all, please let us know so we don’t flip out when two or more people show up with the same IP address. If a person is found to have more than one account that they are using it will result in anything from an infraction to a permanent IP ban.

    13. No account sharing. Please do not log in with your wife's, husbands, boy friends, girl friends or best friends account. Each person that visits this site should have his or her own account.

    14. Membership on this site can be revoked for any reason at any time without warning. We like our First Amendment rights just like everyone else, but please remember that right prohibits the government from passing legislation that violates the freedom of expression, this site is not owned by Obama, he didn't build this.

    15. There is a zero tolerance policy for the incitement of harm to others. You are free to voice opinion in an adult manner however incitement of harm, death or injury is unacceptable- be it directly or indirectly, meant as a joke or serious. This includes telling other members to die, or that you wish they (or their family members) would die etc. *DO NOT THREATEN PHYSICAL HARM ON ANYONE, NOT EVEN IN THE POTTY MOUTH SECTION*

    16. Copyright infringement. Do NOT copy anything from any other website unless you own or have rights to the material. If you want to discuss an article on another site, do not copy the article please post a link to the article.

    17. DO NOT BASH Cops or the Military in the open forums! Especially the military, if you trash the military you are lame (Jarheads making fun of squids, etc is ok but just trash talking the military is not). If you want to bash them please do so in the POTTY MOUTH SECTION.

    18. The "merchant" section is an area set aside for our approved merchants to post threads discussing the products they offer, have on sale, or new items. You may post in the threads started by merchants but you must stay on topic. Do not post links to other places that sell the same stuff or similar items. Any off topic or otherwise inappropriate post in this area will be removed, without warning or explanation, and could be subject to an infraction or ban from the forum.

    19. The management of this forum is pro-active against spam. New members should not post links - as this will be seen as spamming. If you are suspected of spamming, your account will be banned, all of your post will be deleted.

    Spamming defined:

    1. Sending unsolicited private messages, posting unsolicited comments to members profiles, or any other form of communications through this forum, which conveys sales offers or links with the purpose of getting members of this community to visit a certain site.

    2. Including, but not limited to, posting links to your own website or websites that you might have a financial interest in promoting.

    Members are free to discuss any topic on this site, except for those listed above. Moderators are free to issue warnings, infractions or bans at anytime for breaking any rule. Moderators do not care if the person breaking a rule is a new member, old member, VIP, Merchant, Staff member, or another Mod. We are all expected to follow the same rules.

    It should be noted that members should not list information in their profiles that they do not want others to see. Your profile is viewable by forum members, guests, staff, and mods. If you want to give someone your Facebook name, Instant Messager address, personal email address or any other information that can allow someone to communicate with you, please be aware that such information can also be given to spammers, identity thieves, stalkers and other shady characters. It is recommended to not list your information in your profile but instead keep your information private, and give it out only to members you have known and trust.

    If you feel a member of this forum has contacted you in a way that you feel is unacceptable, please contact a moderator and we will look into it.
    Last edited by hawgrider; 04-02-2021 at 09:04 AM.

  2. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to RWalls For This Useful Post:

    Admin1 (02-02-2014),Big Ken (02-18-2021),GTGallop (05-14-2016),Innkeeper (02-18-2021),Inor (07-29-2017),juskom95 (02-18-2021),Mister Mills (10-22-2018),Ricekila (07-29-2017)

  3. #2
    ədˈminəˌstrātər RWalls's Avatar
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    Update to rules, added rule #4.
    Admin for the BEST gun site on the web! WELCOME TO THE OTP!

  4. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to RWalls For This Useful Post:

    Inor (01-04-2015),Jeep (01-04-2015),Ricekila (07-29-2017)

  5. #3
    ədˈminəˌstrātər Inor's Avatar
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    I never noticed #9 before. That's awesome! Now I have to think up more ways to bash Muslims! You just made my day.

  6. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Inor For This Useful Post:

    Ricekila (07-29-2017),Slippy (01-04-2015)

  7. #4
    ədˈminəˌstrātər RWalls's Avatar
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    Update to rule 9
    Admin for the BEST gun site on the web! WELCOME TO THE OTP!

  8. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to RWalls For This Useful Post:

    hawgrider (07-29-2017),Innkeeper (07-30-2017),Ricekila (07-29-2017),Slippy (07-30-2017)

  9. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by RWalls View Post
    Update to rule 9
    Ok that right there is hilarious!
    "The clever cat eats cheese and breathes down rat holes with baited breath." W. C. Fields

  10. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to hawgrider For This Useful Post:

    Innkeeper (07-30-2017),Ricekila (07-29-2017),Slippy (07-30-2017)

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