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Thread: Padded Molle Belt Review

  1. #1
    VIP Member! BucketBack's Avatar
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    Padded Molle Belt Review

    per sparkypreps request

    Attachment 4815Attachment 4816

    XL ATS MultiCam Padded Molle Belt w CB web internal belt

    ATS suspenders

    ATS Double Mag Pouch, w 2 Colt 8 round mags

    Kabar Utility Knife with Kabar Molle Adaptor

    SDS Multican IFAK

    Blackhawk OD Utility Pouch with Munchies, Space Blanket, Poncho,paracord, compass,lint and BIC. water purifier

    Eagle Canteen pouch empty but Carry a steel GI canteen with cup

    Beratta M12 holster with cleaning rod and a Springer MilSpec if 45 ACP

    This is my go to outdoor belt. I can spend the night out in the forest if need be. 24 rounds of 45 acp, and a PM9 in my pocket. I've played around with the pouches so much my fingers had blisters from routing the molle straps.
    It's heavy , but the suspenders help. It also clears a Fighting Load carrier and a AWS Plate carrier.
    I can run my CamelBak RimRunner over it with zero issues

    Close to $750 invested, all second hand. Brand New it would be over a grand easy.
    Keep Your Head Up, And your Stick On The Ice.

  2. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to BucketBack For This Useful Post:

    Deebo (03-27-2018),hawgrider (03-27-2018),juskom95 (03-27-2018),Kfilly (03-27-2018),Ricekila (03-27-2018)

  3. #2
    Little Miss Chatterbox Kfilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BucketBack View Post
    per sparkypreps request

    Attachment 4815Attachment 4816

    XL ATS MultiCam Padded Molle Belt w CB web internal belt

    ATS suspenders

    ATS Double Mag Pouch, w 2 Colt 8 round mags

    Kabar Utility Knife with Kabar Molle Adaptor

    SDS Multican IFAK

    Blackhawk OD Utility Pouch with Munchies, Space Blanket, Poncho,paracord, compass,lint and BIC. water purifier

    Eagle Canteen pouch empty but Carry a steel GI canteen with cup

    Beratta M12 holster with cleaning rod and a Springer MilSpec if 45 ACP

    This is my go to outdoor belt. I can spend the night out in the forest if need be. 24 rounds of 45 acp, and a PM9 in my pocket. I've played around with the pouches so much my fingers had blisters from routing the molle straps.
    It's heavy , but the suspenders help. It also clears a Fighting Load carrier and a AWS Plate carrier.
    I can run my CamelBak RimRunner over it with zero issues

    Close to $750 invested, all second hand. Brand New it would be over a grand easy.

    I like that set up. However, I live in an urban area (50k population). I prefer carrying my stuff in a small backpack so others do not know what I have. I have carried my INCH pack on public hiking trails as they are the steepest hills around. People sometimes ask me what I am doing. I just tell whoever asks I have an upcoming trip out west, and I am training for that.

  4. #3
    VIP Member! BucketBack's Avatar
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    I use the Blue Gray Camelback Rimrunner for urban carry. I just carry a Kahr PM9 in my front pocket.

    I wouldn't think of wearing the "WAR Belt" downtown in my local city of 4000
    Keep Your Head Up, And your Stick On The Ice.

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to BucketBack For This Useful Post:

    Kfilly (03-30-2018)

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