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Thread: Would 10 # of C4 Cause Issues In A Large City ? Well It's Missing

  1. #11
    Evangelist Smitty901's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smitty901 View Post
    Of some training got a bit carried away and a little more was used up. That would not be a first. Blasting caps can be made with a .223/5.56 case but not 100% effective. Round it up dig a whole put it in add C4 cover it up when done. Repeat.
    Playing with C4 some times it went a little over the top.

    postsAttachment 13335
    Site has picture issues. Point was we used C4 all of the time. We blew a lot of stuff up with it. It takes a fair amount to really do some damage. Not like the movies were small wad of it takes a wall down or entire house.
    Blew up a lot of AK47 ammo and RPG's. When you have stuff that goes boom, some soldiers always want it to make a bigger boom.

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  3. #12
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    I’m trying to remember the size of the blocks the Army would issue.
    I think they were 10 pounds.
    Combat Engineers got all the good stuff.

    As it was known in the Army: “Combat Engineers - Infantry with a job.”

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  5. #13
    I Never Log Off! OSFG's Avatar
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    our satchel charges were 20 lbs of C4. 10 lbs wouldnt even take down a moderate size bridge. But it could be used to make some IED's or shape charges (EFP) that could be used in targeted attacks or ambushes.

    More'n likely it got used and just incorrectly reported....but I have heard of folks wanting to squirrel away some for a rainy day. Cause it one of those things that only a chemical trace can pin point lots and batches issued and the rest is a leadership accountability issue.

    it'd bring a house down.

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  7. #14
    Super Moderator Sparkyprep's Avatar
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    How come I never find cool stuff like this?
    Friends don't let friends shoot Glocks.

    Proud Deplorable

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