shootbrownelk (05-12-2021)
inceptor (05-10-2021),Mad Trapper (05-10-2021),SGG (05-10-2021),shootbrownelk (05-12-2021),Slippy (05-10-2021),SOCOM42 (05-10-2021),stevekozak (05-10-2021)
Innkeeper (05-10-2021),Mad Trapper (05-10-2021),MountainGirl (05-12-2021),SGG (05-10-2021),shootbrownelk (05-12-2021),stevekozak (05-10-2021)
inceptor (05-10-2021),shootbrownelk (05-12-2021),SOCOM42 (05-10-2021)
Yeah, I am from the shithole state, MA.
I did not know enough to stay out of here,
other than three years in the US Army, and 9 months in Watts/Compton CA in 1965,
Have spent my life here, watched some of the lowest life in the world run this state,
Duval, Dukakis, Baker come right to mind.
Then we have an AG's office, prerequisite for employment, LIBERAL/SOCIALIST,
Lesbo(AG may hit you up), SJW.
I forgot, hate men and trannies(M-F), no men wanted or apply unless you take the root.
Mad Trapper (05-10-2021)
inceptor (05-10-2021),Mad Trapper (05-10-2021),shootbrownelk (05-12-2021)
Damn its depressing to hear it all recited....
Yeah I didn't know enough to get out when I could. It's a sinking ship over here for sure. But I'll be sinking with it, waving my American flag and using it to poke any mad-lib American haters. I'm still practicing Solomon's a time for everything verse, because I have a hard time restraining this tongue of mine.