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Thread: Small question -

  1. #41
    ədˈminəˌstrātər Inor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StratBastard View Post
    China tells state banks to prepare for a massive dollar dump and yuan buying spree as Beijing's prior interventions have failed to stem its currency's worst year since 1994
    China is absolutely a 5-alarm fire right now for many many reasons. Their economy is basically in free-fall.

    Even worse, from their perspective, they are going to start having food issues soon. One the main staples of their diet is pork. (They are by far, the largest pork consumer nation on the planet). They have some kind of epidemic going through their pork farms. It is like ebola but with pigs. It is completely wiping out their entire pork industry. That is why they have banned the export of phosphate fertilizer. They need the phosphate to grow rice to feed themselves. But they also have a horrible drought going on at the same time.

    If they start having wide-spread food shortages at the same time their economy is tanking, the government will fall in short order and they go back to being a feudal state. In the meantime, they can cause a lot of problems and they will out of desperation.
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    Michael_Js (09-29-2022),Prepared One (10-02-2022),StratBastard (09-29-2022)

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