Keep Your Head Up, And your Stick On The Ice.
Dwight55 (09-10-2023),hawgrider (09-10-2023),Mad Trapper (09-10-2023),Michael_Js (09-10-2023),Slippy (09-10-2023)
Of course that only applies to Tesla owners.
May God bless,
If you can breathe, . . . thank God.
If you can read, . . . thank a teacher.
If you can read in English, . . . thank a veteran.
BucketBack (09-10-2023),hawgrider (09-10-2023),Michael_Js (09-10-2023),MountainGirl (09-10-2023)
Michael_Js (09-10-2023),Slippy (09-10-2023)
Box of frogs (09-10-2023),Mad Trapper (09-10-2023),Slippy (09-10-2023)
T-Man 1066,
I'm helping my cousins fix their NNA, got to put the head back on. Never ran those, thoughts?
It's stilll 6V they ran water low with a leak and blew head gasket. We farmed out the head to one of the last good machine shops around, got that done right. Besides #2-3 havind 0 comperession everything else was right........except cousins fiddling with carb settings and distrubutor