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Thread: Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg -New Leader of Germany?

  1. #11
    VIP Member! BucketBack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dwight55 View Post
    I'd stay the heck out of it till all the smoke cleared . . . and if all of it was ashes and bones . . . I'd be tempted to go somewhere in the middle . . . build a huge white marble mosque . . . minarets and all . . . couple thousand apartments . . . swimming pools . . . some sheep and goat pens . . .

    Advertise new rag head country forming . . . "Get in on the ground floor" . . . offer one way 1st class flights from US . . . give em each a 4 oz gold bar . . . collect passports as they get off the plane . . .

    Especially advertise in MSP . . . and Dearborn . . . as well as Columbus, Ohio

    More I think of it . . . better I like it.

    May God bless,
    I turned down a job at the Blue Oval because of the neighborhood. The 'hood in Highland Park where Penstar was at was better.

    If the US saved France in WWi and WWI, from Germany? Why is France befriending Germany and turning against the UK and USA

    If the US saved the Jews in WW2, from Germany? Why is Israel befriending Germany? Why do the US and UK want to allow a Palestine State ?
    Keep Your Head Up, And your Stick On The Ice.

  2. #12
    VIP Member! Dwight55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BucketBack View Post
    ........................ Why do the US and UK want to allow a Palestine State ?
    Got mostly something to do with diversity . . . and a group called the "Squad" . . . along with several thousand rag heads . . . pumping their congress persons . . . who need to be re-elected more than they need to do the right thing.

    Elections have consequences. Not being re-elected is also a consequence they want to avoid.

    May God bless,
    If you can breathe, . . . thank God.

    If you can read, . . . thank a teacher.

    If you can read in English, . . . thank a veteran.


  3. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Dwight55 For This Useful Post:

    BucketBack (02-17-2024),Michael_Js (02-17-2024)

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