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Thread: A question for you chicken ranchers...

  1. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael_Js View Post
    Be sure on planning to save some as the summer winds down. Unless their new chicks, they won't be laying in late fall and throughout winter!
    Unless you work the crap out of them by running artificial light starting early fall and throughout winter. I ran light nobody eats for free so either lay eggs or in the stew pot you go!
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawgrider View Post
    Unless you work the crap out of them by running artificial light starting early fall and throughout winter. I ran light nobody eats for free so either lay eggs or in the stew pot you go!
    Oh my! That's one way to go...I don't do that, so I will start glassing early fall...
    Now, I'm making spicy pickled eggs with the extras. Yum!!
    Michael J.

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  5. #53
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    6 new pullets today; 4 Rhode Island Reds and 2 Barred Rocks!

    Its freakin' 85 degrees and Mrs S has the heat lamp on them!

    In all fairness, it only gets to about 70 degrees in the basement so...

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  7. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael_Js View Post
    Oh my! That's one way to go...I don't do that, so I will start glassing early fall...
    Now, I'm making spicy pickled eggs with the extras. Yum!!
    We don't do the stew pot for the egg chickens either. (Egg chickens are tougher than shoe leather). So in our case, when they quit laying, they get their necks slit and then over the fence for the yotes and buzzards.
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  9. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inor View Post
    We don't do the stew pot for the egg chickens either. (Egg chickens are tougher than shoe leather). So in our case, when they quit laying, they get their necks slit and then over the fence for the yotes and buzzards.
    Don't waste your egg chickens! Yes their meat is tough, but not if you can it. Canned chicken is a great prep for shelf-stable protein. Yes, canned chicken is not great on its own, but it works great in things like chicken pot pie, or jambalaya. or other casseroles.
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