Things are really going to shit in this country and I’m expecting plenty of trouble this summer and fall. We all see the problems so no need to list them again. Time to get like MG and PO and prepare to close and lock the gate, except I got no gate! So I’m spending some cash I wouldn’t ordinarily spend to give us additional supplies and back-up power. Re-zeroing and function checking all toys. No sense saving too much cash now since inflation and possible collapse is driving down purchasing power. Better to have “stuff” than paper. I’m having a knee replacement very soon and dreading being out of commission for so long this summer. But I gotta get this done. Just hoping things don’t get too crazy before I am somewhat functional again. So, preps for the next week: 1. finish prepping evil black toys. 2. Another generator and heavy duty extension cords. 3. More food. 4. Spare tractor battery and more lube oils and grease. 6. Misc. hardware and odds & ends.
With my son gone, in a way it kind of simplifies things. No family to worry about anymore except the wife and we are old. I really don’t much care if it all turns to shit anymore. Just sit back and watch the show as it all melts down. Need to buy more popcorn!