1skrewsloose (08-04-2024),Mad Trapper (08-04-2024)
If it's a genetic clone, then it IS Joe, just not the original Joe.
Is it real, or is it Memorex?
1skrewsloose (08-04-2024)
Like Dolly the sheep...
Politicians can kiss my ass!!!
1skrewsloose (08-04-2024)
No, not a clone. The "twin" was a referrence to a post I saw from one of FJRB's grand daughters saying he dies in 2020...I think she meant "double".
The Potatoe(Potatus) is just some old pos they got as a credible stand-in. Prolly from the time of "The Office of the President Elect". Remember the fake Oval Orifice vids?
Michael_Js (08-05-2024)