Strike paused till January 15th.
Strike paused till January 15th.
Back from the void and still crazy as hell. :)
Innkeeper (10-05-2024)
I have heard chatter of people back to hoarding toilet paper.
Paper products like TP, paper towels, fem high-jean products (or Tim Walz products, just sayin') are on the 500 mile rule of thumb. If it has to be moved more than 500 miles, then shipping will kill the profit margins. So yea, they are not shipping TP through the ports, yet people go nuts over that.
Im in rural IL, corn cobs are plentiful!
Politicians can kiss my ass!!!
MountainGirl (10-04-2024),Slippy (10-04-2024),stevekozak (10-05-2024)
stevekozak (10-05-2024),T-Man 1066 (10-04-2024)
Apparently, some missed my PSA on conserving TP.
One sheet of TP butt wipe procedure. Your welcome!!
T-Man 1066 (10-04-2024)
The chatter is right. The strike got cancelled up all the toilet paper is gone up at Foat Wurth. lol That should boost the sale of Huggies baby wipes.