Consider the fact that she left L.A. to move to Austin, and it's a big step up. She's young still (33) and follows the corporate opportunities. Only planned on staying in Cali long enough to get established. Went from Director of global marketing and partnerships at Tinder to VP of marketing at Real in Austin and a good raise to boot. She's pretty conservative, a capitalist juggernaut, and I don't worry about her too much. Just following the money and building her empire LOL. Just bought her 3rd air B&B, and has a nice house in Austin. She makes almost 5 times what I did at her age, as does her husband. Some millennials are out there seriously kicking ass, in case anyone thought the entire generation is shit; there are many fully prepared to take the wheel of the world. See... you got me talking about my kid and now I won't shut up. I'll stop now LOL. Dad is proud.