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Thread: Wiring question for 120v

  1. #11
    1-800-JUNKIE stevekozak's Avatar
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    I admire anyone who understands electricity. I do not. Hence, beyond very very basic things, I do not mess with it.
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  3. #12
    Don't get too close, I bite! Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Glad you got it figured out. The copper ground coming out looks newer than everything else. I'm guessing put in after the original install way back when.

    My house was built in '57 by the owner who was not a house builder. And the guy who lived here before me was not the handyman he makes himself out to be. I've had a lot of projects where I have to stand back and scratch my head wondering "okay, what in the hell have they done here."
    "That guy has the right idea, he wore the brown pants today!"

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  5. #13
    PISSED OFF red442joe's Avatar
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    Switch loop, needs re-identified.

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  7. #14
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    I don't know much about this, but looked like wiring for two switches, to control one light, one switch at the bottom, one at the top of a stairs. I think on one you run the hot thru the ground to give power back to the other switch. I did this one time, and had a hell of a time getting it right.

    Kept running into the problem of turning the light on at the bottom of stairs, but couldn't turn it off on top, or vice versa.

    DC is so much simpler.

  8. #15
    VIP Member! Dwight55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1skrewsloose View Post
    I don't know much about this, but looked like wiring for two switches, to control one light, one switch at the bottom, one at the top of a stairs. I think on one you run the hot thru the ground to give power back to the other switch. I did this one time, and had a hell of a time getting it right.

    Kept running into the problem of turning the light on at the bottom of stairs, but couldn't turn it off on top, or vice versa.

    DC is so much simpler.
    Not even close . . . 2 switches . . . one light is done with two "3 way" switches . . . I've done well over 100 of em . . . they don't look anything like this.

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