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Thread: What was your prep of the day?

  1. #2271
    VIP Member! StratBastard's Avatar
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    So, I bought one of these Crimpit thingies a few months back, and I'm using it every day for lunch or dinner. Everything from mexican, ham 'n' cheese, sausage and eggs, the variety is endless. Good for leftover meat of any kind, add some lettuce and cheese. I toss 'em on my George Foreman Grill like a panini for a couple minutes, and have hot sammiches. I paid $20 for it... I see them as high as $29.

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    A.K.A. StratBastard
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  2. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to StratBastard For This Useful Post:

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  3. #2272
    ədˈminəˌstrātər Inor's Avatar
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    I went and got a hut for the dame-turkeys to go in when they lay eggs. I'm not sure if they are smart enough to use it or not. But it's worth a shot.

    I'm calling it The Ovul-Inn.

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    No sooner had we gotten the hut unloaded and our Tom turkey, Roscoe, started jumping on the hens! That is really the big news. This is the first time he has done that. I was starting to get worried that maybe we had a Tom turkey that was half a fag. At least he seems to understand how this whole setup is supposed to work!

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ID:	34616
    Admin for the most politically correct site on the web. Welcome to the OTP!

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  4. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Inor For This Useful Post:

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  5. #2273
    Quote Originally Posted by Inor View Post
    I went and got a hut for the dame-turkeys to go in when they lay eggs. I'm not sure if they are smart enough to use it or not. But it's worth a shot.

    I'm calling it The Ovul-Inn.

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ID:	34616
    When I used to raise goats, I was given a couple of 1200 gallon poly tanks. I sawz-alled a door in the side of each one, and put oat straw in it for bedding. Called them the "Gotel-6".
    Politicians can kiss my ass!!!

  6. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to T-Man 1066 For This Useful Post:

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  7. #2274
    VIP Member! MountainGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inor View Post
    I went and got a hut for the dame-turkeys to go in when they lay eggs. I'm not sure if they are smart enough to use it or not. But it's worth a shot.

    I'm calling it The Ovul-Inn.

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ID:	34615

    No sooner had we gotten the hut unloaded and our Tom turkey, Roscoe, started jumping on the hens! That is really the big news. This is the first time he has done that. I was starting to get worried that maybe we had a Tom turkey that was half a fag. At least he seems to understand how this whole setup is supposed to work!

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	34616

    How tall is that wire fence around them? Can those birds fly? Wings clipped or?
    The wild turkeys on the mountain could fly up into the trees
    Back from the void and still crazy as hell. :)

  8. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to MountainGirl For This Useful Post:

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  9. #2275
    ədˈminəˌstrātər Inor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MountainGirl View Post

    How tall is that wire fence around them? Can those birds fly? Wings clipped or?
    The wild turkeys on the mountain could fly up into the trees
    The fence is 4 foot.

    Roscoe (the Tom) cannot fly anymore; he's too fat. He used to but really didn't much because he seems to like being around us and the dogs. The girls can fly. We clipped their wings for a couple months but don't anymore. They want to stay within sight of Roscoe. About once a week one or two of them will fly up on top of the chicken shack then they just go crazy until we lead them back into the pen with the others.

    The only reason Roscoe is in a pen at all is because, for some reason, he decided he no longer liked our Newfoundland dog. He is best buddies with our other dogs but for some reason, he just does not like our big laid back Newfie. It was the funniest thing to watch 30 pound Roscoe go after a 140 pound dog. He did not even stop when our Newfie turned on him a couple times and drew blood. So it is just best to keep the two of them separate.

    They did attract a flock of wild turkeys too. The wild turkeys live just outside our fence in the brush. They are even starting to become more used to us and we can get pretty close to them, maybe 3 feet, before they back off. If the wild turkeys continue to warm to us, I do have designs on bringing a couple of the hens in to put with Roscoe as well. We'll see where that effort leads...
    Admin for the most politically correct site on the web. Welcome to the OTP!

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  10. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Inor For This Useful Post:

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  11. #2276
    Super Moderator Sparkyprep's Avatar
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    Spent the day mowing pastures, trying to kill off the weeds, so that more grass can grow when spring gets here.
    Friends don't let friends shoot Glocks.

    Proud Deplorable

  12. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Sparkyprep For This Useful Post:

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  13. #2277
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    Did inventory today and found I needed more 350 legend ammo for my 350 AR, only have about 400 rounds. Ordered 200 Starline brass, 200 bullets and, 100 loaded cartridges. I've got enough primers and powder. Now all I've gotta do is make the time to load em.

  14. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to MoreAmmoOK For This Useful Post:

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  15. #2278
    Super Moderator Sparkyprep's Avatar
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    Spent the day spraying weeds in the pastures, and working on new trailer lights for the livestock trailer.
    Friends don't let friends shoot Glocks.

    Proud Deplorable

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  17. #2279
    VIP Member! Chiefster23's Avatar
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    We’ve started to get some breaks in the weather with a few hours of sunshine and milder temps here and there. Taking advantage to start pruning the fruit trees and cutting back the ornamental bushes. I have way too much stuff that needs trimmed. Some of this has to go, sooner rather than later. Getting too old and broken down for this work.

    Also buying my annual overload of garden seed packets. I already have enough for a dozen gardens but every year I buy more. New varieties mostly. This year mini pumpkins, mini watermelon, and mini cukes are going in for the first time. Last fall i bought a single burner, antique style, propane cast iron burner to do my canning processing outside on the porch instead of in the kitchen. I need to build a plywood wind screen for it.

    And finally, I need to restock my preps. After Trump got elected and my shoulder got replaced, I slacked off. So inventory and refilling is on the schedule. I found a company that sells american made filters for berkey type water filters. I orderd some along with a kerosene wick type stove and a camping oven to use with the stove.
    The world needs assholes too

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  19. #2280
    VIP Member! StratBastard's Avatar
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    Exceedingly foul (pun intended) or a good prep? Maybe try and not watch when that jellied blob slides out of the can.

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    A.K.A. StratBastard
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