I keep a watch on the time between, one shot an hour for me. You never know when you'll need full control of your faculties.
I keep a watch on the time between, one shot an hour for me. You never know when you'll need full control of your faculties.
Box of frogs (02-01-2025),Denton (02-01-2025),stevekozak (02-02-2025)
1skrewsloose (02-02-2025),hawgrider (02-02-2025)
RIP Bonzo, arguably the greatest drummer ever.
He asphyxiated on his own vomit after pounding vodka shots all morning then laying down to sleep it off.
The exact number of shots, I don’t recall but as a long time Zeppelin fan I was gut punched when I heard the news announcement on 96 Rock.
1skrewsloose (02-03-2025),LivoniaDan (02-08-2025),Prepared One (02-03-2025),stevekozak (02-04-2025)
1skrewsloose (02-03-2025),Box of frogs (02-03-2025),LivoniaDan (02-08-2025),stevekozak (02-04-2025)
1skrewsloose (Yesterday),hawgrider (02-03-2025),LivoniaDan (02-08-2025),Prepared One (02-08-2025),stevekozak (02-04-2025)
Wiki not necessarily the Best source.... but...
“America, it is said, is suffering from intolerance — it is not. It is suffering from tolerance.
Tolerance of right and wrong, truth and error, virtue and evil, Christ and chaos.
Our country is not nearly so overrun with the bigoted as it is overrun with the broadminded.”
― Fulton J. Sheen
I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.
– Mahatma Gandhi
Prepared One (02-08-2025)
1skrewsloose (02-10-2025),LivoniaDan (02-09-2025),Slippy (02-09-2025),stevekozak (02-09-2025)
Prepared One (02-11-2025)
1skrewsloose (Yesterday),hawgrider (Yesterday),Michael_Js (Yesterday),Prepared One (Yesterday),stevekozak (Yesterday)