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Thread: Review: Grill Rescue

  1. #1
    Don't get too close, I bite! Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Review: Grill Rescue

    Hot Nusrey got me this thing called the Grill Rescue for Christmas. I hadn't really messed with it since then but decided to today. I have not used this thing but I'm going to review it anyway because of the pain in the ass it was to get out of the packaging.

    First of all the sponge/cleaner part separates from the handle. You must separate it to get off the plastic it is wrapped in. Has two clips on the side you'd think would release it but it didn't. Thing was so tight I had to use a metal bar to depress the plastic. Only after going to the website to see if that's how you did it. Secondly, there are no instructions with it. Not too complicated of a tool but still a few simple instructions on unwrapping it would be nice. Thirdly, the plastic it was wrapped in also had a sticker going all the way around it and across the plastic handle. Well the sticker has to be pulled off one little piece at a time (see picture). What a complete pain in the ass. I supposed you could burn it off on the grill but seems the glue would make an awful mess.

    Like I said I haven't used it yet and will do so when I do to see if it was worth it. It was developed by a fire fighter and is supposed to be able to take very high heat, sponge and handle alike. Dishwasher safe for cleaning.

    So far it gets 5 pissed off faces out of 5.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Grill rescue.jpg 
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ID:	35459

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Sticker mess.jpg 
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Size:	86.5 KB 
ID:	35460
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  3. #2
    Don't get too close, I bite! Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Did I mention the sticker sucked!
    "That guy has the right idea, he wore the brown pants today!"

  4. #3
    PISSED OFF red442joe's Avatar
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    Good times, eh!

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  6. #4
    Now, tell us how you really feel about your CHRISTMAS PRESENT…….

  7. #5
    Wire brush looks much easier.
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