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Thread: Is anyone else VERY worried about our water situation?

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  1. #11
    Dinky Dau
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    SE Montana

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    Formation Fracturing (Fracking is a media word- it's really Frac-ing) isn't just a bunch of chemicals like the media and the enviromentalists want you to believe. YES there are some chemicals in it but they are usually pretty diluted. The Frac-ing is also done in a different zone, that is usually quite some ways from a water source. Most wells I have worked on, all over the western US, have water tables (drinkable) someplace between 800 and 2000 ft. The Gas zones are generally from 4500 ft to 25,000 ft.

    I have lived in a number of different "Boom" towns that are in the middle of oil and gas fields and have never seen the Bad Water Effects such as gas in the water etc that the media claim. The one cost of Frac-ing that I do see is that quite a bit of water is used to carry the sand downhole. Some of that water is produced with the gas and oil then reused, but a bunch of it is fresh water. I apologize if this is the part you are refering to.

    This subject gets to me. I have run cement, frac and most other downhole equipment all over and just see the Fracking Scare as just that. It sure seems to me that none of these reporters learn about what they are reporting on and only listen to one side of a story. I guess that is like everything else they talk about too. Just that this one hits close to the ol pocket book.

    Thanks for letting me rant.

  2. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Coppertop For This Useful Post:

    Innkeeper (08-09-2014),omegabrock (08-11-2014),OSFG (08-12-2014),Reptilicus (08-09-2014),Slippy (08-09-2014)

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