View Full Version : What do I believe? Here it is, cliff notes version

12-11-2018, 07:46 AM
Earlier today, I was asked to define what I believe as a Christian:

First and foremost, . . . Jesus Christ is the Son of God, . . . and is God ("For there are 3 that bear record in Heaven, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, and these 3 are 1), . . . all things were created by Him.

The earth was created in 7 calendar days by God, . . . and His final creation was by His own hand: Adam and later that day, Eve.

NOTE: it was Adam and Even that He created, . . . not Adam and Steve.

Jesus Christ came to this earth to be a sinless sacrifice, showing us that we could live without sin if we were so inclined, . . . died on the cross for our sins, . . . was buried, . . . resurrected on the 3rd day (Easter Sunday) and now sits at the right hand of the Father, making intercession for us.

Because of Him, . . . we can confess our sins, repent of being a sinner, become a born again Christian, and when this life is over, go to Heaven t be with the saints and those others who got there first.

There is a time, . . . after the creation of the Temple of God in Jerusalem, . . . when the world will be full of evil like it was in the days of Noah, . . . God will send Jesus to get the Christians on earth, . . . the earth will be destroyed, . . . final judgment will occur, . . . sinners will burn in hell for eternity, . . . Christians will enjoy heaven for eternity.

Yes, . . . Heaven does have a wall, . . . gates, . . . and a vetting process for entrance therein. Hell does not.

That is the Cliff Notes version of it all.

May God bless,

Mister Mills
12-13-2018, 03:33 PM
Sounds good to me, I can't find any fault with it.