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  1. Welcome to the Back Pew
  2. Hell, . . . yep it is real.
  3. The good, the bad and the righteous.
  4. Heaven, Yeah, It's Real Too
  5. Faith: The Key to Heaven's Door
  6. Salvation Alone Is Not Enough
  7. Pitfalls that will destroy one's salvation
  8. Temptation: We have to win this battle
  9. Prayers for Hurrican Responders
  10. Just a small prayer request
  11. Sept 4 Church is here: Against whom we fight
  12. 9/11 Message: Listening to Demons
  13. 9-18 Bluegrass Gospel Music
  14. We are Established / Anointed / and Sealed....Thank You, Lord
  15. The Rapture................
  16. But the fearful and the unbelieving
  17. When Angels Revolted Against God
  18. Are You Ready??? Rapture is coming.................
  19. 10-30-16 "In the Beginning"
  20. I'm Sure The IRS Will Frown Upon This Pastor
  21. Faith is a Two Way Street 11-13-16
  22. Thanksgiving: Blessings and History, . . . Enjoy !
  23. Am I Truly Saved???
  24. Do you "Believe" God, or "Believe In" God? There is an eternal difference.
  25. When Was Jesus Born?
  26. My apologies
  27. 12-25-2016 Christmas Day Service
  28. First one of '17: Comfort One Another, he said
  29. Jan 8, . . . lesson on Enoch
  30. Jan 15th,.... Prayer and Israel
  31. Another SPECIAL prayer request
  32. Remember Mom saying "You better change your tune"?
  33. Prayers for the folks in South Georgia
  34. For you Minnow Munchers
  35. A Profit and Loss Statement for Christians
  36. Who will greet you in Heaven
  37. HOW will you get to heaven? Which path?
  38. Don't Believe in Hell??
  39. Mardi Gras-Fat Tuesday-Paczki Day - Shrove Tuesday-Whats It Mean?
  40. Devil on you shoulder???
  41. House blessings
  42. I am thinking of the Rapture
  43. The Word of God
  44. Saint Patrick & Meatless Fridays
  45. A New Take On Creation: Enjoy...........
  46. Speaking and acting: God and Man
  47. He Made His Father Proud
  48. There is a War raging for your soul
  49. Easter Sonrise Service
  50. Joshua's Rock Garden, . . . from the sky
  51. Sunday: Cliff Notes on the book of Romans
  52. Sunday 05-07-17, some good singing
  53. Sunday 05-14-17
  54. Last Sunday, . . . 05-21-17
  55. 05-28-17: DELIVERANCE (no, not the movie)
  56. 060417 Pentecost
  57. 06-11-17 Youtube
  58. Father's Day
  59. Thinking Like a Child
  60. 1st Thessalonian Chapter 4
  61. New Video: 07-09-17
  62. The "Greater Love" of Jesus
  63. Psalm 91: Precious Promises
  64. Do you know why?
  65. Death : No experience required
  66. More about "Life and Life more abundantly"
  67. Present Day Promises Given By Jesus
  68. Sunday 082717
  69. Were you ready for Harvey, . . . a bigger storm is coming
  70. Jeremiah and the Lord
  71. Some Good Singing here
  72. Understanding What You Read
  73. The Lawyer's Last Question
  74. And he was a rich man, . . . WAS being the correct verb
  75. Faith, by it the elders obtained a good report
  76. Where??? Is your faith??
  77. Martin Luther and These United States
  78. No new youtube this week, sorry.
  79. No new youtube this week, sorry.
  80. All Things Work Together for Good...........
  81. Three Important Questions about Prophecy
  82. You will never read them, or believe them; but you will answer for your mocking.
  83. Miracles, Luck, and Coincidence: Miracles don't happen
  84. Demon Posession: as real as it gets
  85. Last Week Demons, This Week: Angels
  86. God Has a Sense of Humor
  87. 4 men killed Jesus
  88. New Message for 1-7-18
  89. 4 Divergent Life Styles: does one fit you?
  90. An Impersonation of Herod Agrippa
  91. Soaring With Eagles
  92. Forgiveness, . . . something we all need
  93. How God gave us His Word: the Bible
  94. The Foolishness of Preaching
  95. The Power of God
  96. Steve Bannon Article Interesting For Students of End Times Prophesy
  97. Revelation: finding the time line
  98. Revelation: the first 6 seals
  99. Revelation: the first 6 trumpets
  100. Revelation: Chapter 11, THE END.........
  101. The Pope got rid of Hell!
  102. Throwback Sunday: My old pastor visited, . . .
  103. Centurion Octavius Paulus visits our church
  104. Last Half: tribulation period, . . . worst half.....
  105. The Blood of Jesus
  106. Debt's VS Trespasses: How do you pray???
  107. Planned Parenthood, Abortions, and other Sins
  108. DVD's and Preaching the Gospel
  109. Message: Happy Mother's Day 2018
  110. The Thief: Lord, Remember Me
  111. 4 Promises from God
  112. Getting Along in this Crazy World
  113. Need a little water? Feeling dry?
  114. He spent his daddy's money
  115. CCW in Jesus' Day
  116. For all you fishermen: this is how to catch em
  117. And He Gave Him To His Mothr
  118. Building Barns for Future Use
  119. A Question about Faith and Israel and Russia
  120. Everlasting Life VS Abiding Wrath
  121. Jesus prayed especially for ALL His disciples
  122. Roman Promises
  123. No Preaching: Old fashioned prayer meeting
  124. Hey, anyone need a miracle ??
  125. Some Prayers are not answered
  126. The new message
  127. The Red heffer and the end of days?
  128. Paul had Good Intentions, . . . So did we
  129. A little recharge --
  130. Some Things NOT Found In The Bible
  131. Homecoming 2018: singing and preaching
  132. Old Time Prophecy, . . . coming true today
  133. The Rich Man, Heaven, Hell, and Lazarus
  134. "What is Truth"
  135. A story about a pastor's son and his betrothed
  136. "If my people, who are called by my name...........
  137. Veteran's Day 2018
  138. Thanksgiving Messsage
  139. Getting Ready for Christmas
  140. Another Christmas Story
  141. How did the birth of Jesus become Christmas?
  142. What do I believe? Here it is, cliff notes version
  143. They head out for Jerusalem
  144. A short but fun Christmas Program
  145. More about the baby: Jesus
  146. The Years of Jesus' Youth
  147. Nothing New This Week
  148. Jesus, . . . the final chapter
  149. Prodigal, . . . from a different viewpoint
  150. Repentance and Restoration with a side order of Forgiveness
  151. Legacy: what we leave and what we take
  152. A.O.C. vs Common Sense- In The Woods With Phil
  153. Legacy: Page 2 ("the rest of the story")
  154. God's Promised Legacy Toward Us
  155. God has a Legacy for us, . . . so does Satan
  156. So tell me how many sons did God have?
  157. God's Promises are Great
  158. Remember Buck Owens: Together Again ??
  159. Spring Training Time: back to basics
  160. Jesus, . . . before His birth
  161. Jesus Kept The Feast
  162. Jesus and His Passovers
  163. Easter
  164. The Sunday after Easter
  165. My Favorite Promise
  166. Satan is Alive and Well
  167. Daniel 11:40
  168. Only two destinations, . . . choose carefully
  169. 2nd Peter and the End Times
  170. More 2nd Peter: This time a ladder of righteousness
  171. OT hero: Joseph
  172. Father's day
  173. New message, . . . an important one
  174. Decisions, Decisions, Decisions.........
  175. Little Decisions, . . . done right
  176. W. W. J. D. (what would Jesus do?)
  177. OK, . . . I think it is fixed
  178. What do I believe?
  179. Last Message for July
  180. Belief + Faith
  181. The Substance and Evidence of Faith
  182. Faith, Water, and Fire
  183. Paul and James have a discussion
  184. The continuing conflict
  185. Israel, the King of the North, . . . and others
  186. The King of the North and the Prince of the covenant, . . .
  187. Homecoming Hillbilly Music and more
  188. As it was in the days of Noah
  189. Rain drops keep falling from the sky
  190. End of Time and the USA
  191. Just being thankful
  192. This one's different
  193. Just the facts, Maam
  194. The Christmas Tree
  195. A Soldier's story
  196. Had a Visiting Preacher
  197. Taking a Chance on God
  198. Talking about Mary
  199. Sunday 12-15-19
  200. Christmas 2019
  201. The 2019 Christmas Service
  202. Last One, . . . 2019, . . .
  203. First message for 2020
  204. Video for 1-12-20
  205. Separating Saints and Sinners
  206. Judgment, . . . they happen
  207. One of our own needs prayer...........
  208. Miracles and Judgments
  209. John 3:16 and Buster Douglas
  210. Angels are real, believe it...........
  211. Angels Part 2
  212. Angels provide protection, . . . Faith provides insurance
  213. From Temptation to Witchcraft, its all bad
  214. Troubling Times
  215. Some really good news
  216. Where are we now?
  217. What has happened to us now?
  218. Palm Sunday 2020
  219. Easter Sunday 2020
  220. One week later, . . . And, . . . Thomas
  221. Christians and Covid 19
  222. Forgetting Today's Troubles
  223. Overcoming Satan
  224. Another "Saturday Afternoon" message
  225. It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark
  226. God said it . . . believe it........
  227. The coming persecution of Christianity and Christians
  228. A Little Historical Account of God's Blessing on the USA
  229. Isaiah 6:8 "(LORD) Here am I. Send ME!" But am I too "Common"?
  230. June 21st Easter Service
  231. New 06-28 message
  232. A Weak Link
  233. The Wide Gate . . . and the Straight Gate
  234. Death is swallowed up in Victory
  235. Life is a game
  236. Church Sign with a Motto
  237. Jesus . . . the great Communicator
  238. EOTWAWKI: Talking about the Rapture
  239. Matthew 24, End Time Events, Jesus Comments about it
  240. The Truth About the Rapture
  241. Does the Antichrist have to take human form?
  242. 4 Horsemen and the Seals
  243. Homecoming 2020
  244. Revelation: the first 6 trumpets
  245. Revelation: The Last Trumpet
  246. Pray for our President: Covid 19
  247. The Disciples: Involvement VS Commitment
  248. Some Old Testament Miracles
  249. Some Miracles Done by Jesus
  250. Jesus and The greatest miracle