View Full Version : Are You Ready??? Rapture is coming.................

10-26-2016, 07:24 AM
Just a short message on the coming of the Rapture, . . .

Many disbelieve, . . . disregard, . . . disapprove even.

BUT, . . . it's coming, . . . just be sure not to miss it.


May God bless,

10-26-2016, 07:35 AM
I remember an old one panel cartoon many moons ago --

Man standing on a block of ice -- rope tied around his neck w/ his hands in his pockets -- the other end to a tree limb -- in the hot Sun -- one word under it --

"When" ? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v667/RICEKILA/Smillies/92b54717.gif

10-26-2016, 08:17 AM
It's getting closer every day. What you ask me? Everything!

10-26-2016, 12:31 PM
At 4:00 AM, . . . Sunday, . . . Dec. 7, 1941, . . . in Honolulu, . . . and over at Pearl, . . . all was well.

The guys on the mid watch had gone back to bed, . . . the 4 to 8 watch was looking fwd to breakfast, . . . many of the US Navy cooks and mess-cooks were either up or darn near it, . . .

We all know how that all worked out less than 4 hours later.

Rapture? Same scenario, . . . folks just going about their business, . . . trying to keep their heads above water, . . .

It's coming, . . . my friend, . . . please get ready.

May God bless,

10-26-2016, 04:07 PM
Bro. Dwight, that was a great sermon. Thanks for sharing.

10-26-2016, 09:09 PM
You are most welcome my brother.........

May God bless,

A Watchman
10-26-2016, 09:55 PM
The Truth.

10-27-2016, 09:37 AM
Was going to go to the range, today. Don't know about that, anymore.

Cranked up last week's sermon while drinking my caffeine, this morning. The Lord is using Bro. Dwight to convict me, and I think this is a tad more important than my shooting skills.