View Full Version : Generic Survival Discussions

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  1. How to Make Your Own Penicillin… Just in Case
  2. A CIA-Issued Rectal Tool Kit For Spies
  3. What's the best way to charge?
  4. Officially Sick Of Winter
  5. Babe Cave-Hot Brass and Bullets
  6. Uses For Salt That You May Not Have Known About
  7. Leukemia Survivor Becomes US Marine
  8. Time to check those bags.
  9. Colorado’s AG says sheriffs who won’t carry out a red flag court order should resign
  10. From The NYPost no less: After proving his innocence Trump shouldnt have to be humble
  11. Survival Smurvival
  12. Just posting for your thoughts
  13. Trip to an Urgent Care New doctor Today
  14. New Snake Oil Coming Down The Pike: Baldies Rejoice LOL!
  15. Odins Wolf Survival- unopened can of peas is heated in a fire.
  16. It's a hot modinker
  17. What COLOR is Your Piss?
  18. Will paracord conduct electricity?
  19. Governor of Idaho defies court order won't pay inmate sex trans surgery w/tax funds
  20. Hurricane Dorian
  21. Dehydrated water: The one thing "missing" from your buddy's survival kit
  22. Got security cams?.
  23. ignore this
  24. This pocket chainsaw is amazon's best seller & it's under $20
  25. Very cool New multi tool
  26. With the run on toliet paper caused by the kung flu wing wong hong virus.....
  27. German doctor recommends whiskey to protect against COVID-19
  28. Sensible Prepper-Top 10 Prepper Mistakes
  29. Survival Lily
  30. Handy-Dandy Survival Guide to Life Under Social Justice Mob Rule
  31. Long Term Wilderness Bug Out Bag, My Opinion Maybe Satire ?
  32. Looking Again
  33. PSA - Check Your Batteries
  34. Is America Looking At A Bleak Future?
  35. Small comms advice needed
  36. Sometimes Canadian Prepper Hits The Nail On The Head, sometimes just a shill
  37. Shadow Campaign steal
  38. How To Cut Paracord Without A Knife
  39. Canuck Prep Warning-Survival: This is More Important than Gear
  40. One-Week Meal Plan From The Great Depression
  41. NIC -‘catastrophic’ shocks worldwide due to tech, disease
  42. Could this concert play today?
  43. Fuel Rationing
  44. YouTube knows everything!
  45. Gotta love them jews
  46. We'll Just Get Rid of All Whites in the United States
  47. Flooding from Louisiana storms turns deadly
  48. Mylar bag abnormality
  49. Good old movie free
  50. LPG Prices are rising
  51. The Vaccine Strikes Again
  52. Indocin for Sars-Covid
  53. Before Leaving Home
  54. covid paper
  55. Canuck Prepper- Building A Survival Cache
  56. Interesting article on SHTF
  57. Probably won't starve
  58. It’s Over!!! Hibernation Time Has Begun! EP-41
  59. Staying warm
  60. Just Got Hungry
  61. Just Got THe 500 lb Pig Filled with propane sticker shock
  62. 10 Knots for Everyday Life
  63. Shocking - Electical Accident
  64. As seen in a Wally-World parking lot --
  65. Got a spare $90,000 laying around ?
  66. Cost Of LPG Is Going Up, Up, Up. Going Electric As Much As Possible
  67. A National Vaccine Pass Has Quietly Rolled Out
  68. Batteries
  69. This isnt new --- just a fresh label --
  70. All our Florida peeps' batten downed ?
  71. Testing Water For Drinking / Bathing
  72. not most but a few Assise Ilike
  73. WARNING: The Coming COLLAPSE of the FOOD Supply
  74. Marine OB gas cans
  75. JPMorgan CEO suggests government seize private property to quicken climate initiative
  76. Because MG asked...
  77. Solar Generator - first test
  78. Close the Gate
  79. Oak Tree Green Slime
  80. 'Tis the season
  81. Lists
  82. Laundry!
  83. Do you stock enough death?
  84. We were almost nuked
  85. Suggestions?
  86. Opinions?
  87. Civil war